Urgent Alert! Mandavie FX broker a/k/a FX ProStation scam is after you!

investor warning against Mandavie FX and FX ProStation
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Whistleblower Credits: We would like to thank our whistleblowers for their reports and insights, which help us expose scammers and their payment processors. Together we can make a difference in cyberspace. Together we are an invincible force.

First of all, we would like to thank our whistleblower and fraud investigator in Sweden for the information. The Mandavie FX (www.mandaviefx.com) broker scam is currently actively hunting for European victims. In doing so, the fraud also operates with the brand FX ProStation a/k/a Pro FXStation (www.fxprostation.com) and poses as a regulated wealth management firm Mandavie Swedish Trust KB (www.mandivietrust.com) in Sweden. These claims are all super bullshit, of course. Mandavie FX and its associated brands and entities are scams. Full stop!

According to the information provided by our Swedish whistleblowers, the address in Stockholm given by the supposedly regulated Mandavie Swedish Trust KB is just a post office box. The company was registered in Nov 2021 and is owned by Nguyen Kahn Linh and Lay Sun Minh. The latter is also the director and beneficial owner of the UK companies Mandavie Holding Limited, registered with company no 13051133, and Mandavie FX Limited, registered with company no 13046880. Both UK entities were established in November 2020.

It seems that the boiler rooms behind the Mandavie FX and FX ProStation scam are the same ones that ran the 27ProQuote scam. At least the same stage names like Brian Lewis and Nicolas Demarest appear there.

We would like to know more about Mandavie Group, Mandavie FX a/k/a FX ProStation scam, and the related entities and people. Please share your information with us through our whistleblower system, Whistle42.

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