Attention! Austrian regulator warns against Red Rock Investment scheme

FMA warns against Red Rock Investment scheme
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The Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) has issued a warning against the Red Rock Investment scheme (www.redrockinvestment.at). It operates without authorization and offers a vast portfolio of financial investments for consumers on its website, such as stocks, bonds, ETF, and crypto. Red Rock Investment Management GmbH, registered in Vienna, is the operator of the scheme. Torsten Kratz and Michael Bachmann are the registered managing directors. The scheme is part of the public-listed German Red Rock Capital Group.

In its warning, the FMA states that Red Rock Investment is not authorized to provide investment services in Austria. Therefore, the provider is not allowed to provide portfolio management services in relation to financial instruments (§ 3 Abs 2 Z 2 Wertpapieraufsichtsgesetz 2018). The warning is based on § 92 Abs 11 Wertpapieraufsichtsgesetz 2018. Investors should, therefore not invest their money with Red Rock Investment.

According to the Austrian companies register, the Vienna-based Red Rock Investment Management GmbH is a 100% subsidiary of Red Rock Capital AG, a listed real estate company registered in Hanover, Germany. The company’s shares are listed on the Open Market in Berlin and Stuttgart with ISIN DE000A1RFML1.

If you have any further information about Red Rock Investment, please share it with us via our whistleblower system Whistle42.


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