Fraud campaign Elite Trading Club chases victims for CySEC-regulated eXcentral

Excentral promoted by fraud campaigns
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A very freshly pressed warning about a fraudulent marketing campaign: we have just received another email promising that we will receive an app that generates €734 income for us every 15 minutes. The provided link takes us to the notorious Elite Trading Club campaign on the FXOffers site (https://fxoffers.cc/elite). Upon registering, we are redirected to the payment page of the CySEC-regulated eXcentral (www.excentral.com). We would have been able to deposit unlimited amounts via bank wire without compliant onboarding or KYC.

The eXcentral broker is operated by Mount Nico Corp Ltd, which CySEC regulates with license number 226/14. We could have made unlimited deposits to the eXcentral bank accounts with the Lithuanian Epayblock or the ISXPAY in Cyprus (see screenshots above). We have not even had to confirm our registration email, not to mention proving our identity or our place of residency. It was not even an offshore mutation of eXcentral but the CySEC-registered broker.

Let us state one thing very clearly. These affiliate campaigns have to be qualified as a fraud in any country under any legislation. Non-existent products are presented in the emails and on the websites, and false promises are made to lure victims to the payment pages of (regulated) broker sites. We know that CySEC hardly cares about these illegal, let alone compliant, practices of their investment firms.


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