Fraud campaign Elite Trading Club targets victims for The Live Market broker scam

The Live Market broker scam
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Today a certain Danny Jarell contacted us by email from the address [email protected]. He told us that we could collect money that someone we don’t know has deposited for us. All we had to do was click the link. We did that and ended up at the scam campaign Elite Trading Club presented on the FX Offers website (https://fxoffers.cc/elite). Anyone who registers there will be redirected today, for example, to The Live Market a/k/a TheLiveMarket broker scam (www.thelivemarket.com), which TLM Holdings GmbH allegedly operates in Australia. Stay away. Far, far away!

The Live Market scam attacks German-speaking consumers; We have actually identified the individual Mark Christopher Whatman in Australia who registered a business under the business name TLM Holdings GmbH in May 2021 under ABN 14 940 767 050. We cannot say for sure at this time that this person is behind the scam. However, the suspicion is obvious.

Stay far away from fraudulent marketing campaigns like Elite Trading Club and the scams they promote. You will save yourself money and frustration. If you have any information about fraudulent marketing campaigns or scams, please share it with us.

CategoriesAffiliate Scams

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