Investor Warning: CPT Markets scam broker clone related to an FCA regulated entity

CPT Markets broker scam cloning regulated entity
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In the last few days, we have received information from whistleblowers that a scam broker with the CPT Markets brand under the domain www.cptmarkets.com has been acting as an allegedly regulated broker for months. In fact, this CPT Markets with this specific domain is a scam that appears as a clone of the actual FCA regulated CPT Markets. The “real” regulated broker, regulated by the FCA with the reference number 606110 uses the approved domain www.cptmarkets.co.uk and is operated by CPT Markets UK Limited. In fact, however, it looks as if the two brokers are connected.

The scam site claims to be part of the FCA regulated broker group at www.cptmarkets.com and refers potential business partners to the regulated entity’s site:

CPT Markets UK is the trading name used by CPT Markets UK Limited […] authorized and managed by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) under the registration number 6707165, NO.606110. CPT Markets UK Limited is an affiliated company of CPT Markets Limited. For business relationship establishment with CPT Markets UK, please go to CPT Markets UK’s official website at https://www.cptmarkets.co.uk or the official email[email protected]

Information provided on the CPT Markets Scam (link here)

According to our whistleblowers, it is indeed the case that not so clean transactions are carried out via the unregulated side of CPT Markets.

The FCA is increasingly warning of scams that appear as clones of regulated companies. In this respect, investors should be very careful and always research whether the provider is actually regulated by the respective financial market authority. The FCA website also lists the contact persons of the respective companies.

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