R4I – Estonian Crypto Payment Processor Bitxtech

R4I Estonian crypto payment processor Bitxtech
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BitxTech is a crypto payment processor and exchange operated by CryptoFactury OÜ, registered and licensed in Estonia. Israeli Or Bar, born in September 1987, is registered as the director. BitxTech has increasingly come to the attention of broker scams in recent months as a supporting payment processor. It is also interesting to note that BitxTech and XchangePro use the same application and identical onboarding processes. They appear to be clones or white label solutions.

The company was registered in October 2018 with a capital of €12,000, which is unusually high. The company has obtained a crypto license from the Estonian FIU. BitxTech has been involved in numerous broker scams as a payment processor, with the domain recently being changed from www.bitx-pay.com to www.bitxtech.com. Until September 2020, Estonian Romanas Kalinauskas, born in July 1988, was registered as a director. He is also a director at Vulture OÜ. The latter operates the crypto exchange Cratos (www.cratos.net), also has a capital of €12,000 and a license from the FIU. However, the Cratos platform is still in beta mode and not open to the general public.

The onboarding process and the application used at Bitxtech is identical to that at XChangePro (www.thechange.io).

Read more about Bitxtech on FinTelegram.

We would like to know more about BitxTech, CryptoFactory OÜ, and Or Bar. We would also like to know who is doing the software for Bitxtech and XChangePro and if or how the two crypto payment processors are still connected. If you have any information and/or experience, we would be grateful if you could share it with us.

CategoriesCrypto Payments

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