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The Biggest Asian Crypto-MLM Scam scales up

Amit BHARDWAJ - HIghly Gifted Scam Artist
Amit BHARDWAJ – HIghly Gifted Scam Artist

It was a another tough week for the Crypto-MLM scene in Asia. As reported Amit BHARDWAJ, founder of the Crypto-MLM scams GainBitcoin and GBMiners, along with some of his top ranking agents and promoters were arrested recently after eight months on the run (read telegrams here). He was first found at the Dubai airport, managed to escape, and fled to Bangkok where he was finally arrested. It is said that BHARDWAJ used to stay in Dubai while he was on the run. It is believed by the Indian police that BHARDWAJ‘s scams are just the tip of an iceberg in the crypto-crime scene.

BHARDWAJ obviously inspired the Indian crypto-crime scene. Another Indian Crypto-MLM blew up last week. Two people were arrested in Delhi for duping nearly 5,000 people by taking their money and fleeing away with the amount. They falsely claimed that they have a trading portal operated from US. Sounds like OPTIOMENT, right? When interrogated by the police, the guys claimed that they have been inspired by BHARDWAJ’s GainBitcoin scam.

The lesson to learn: Get rich now with other people’s money and lot’s of crypto-pixie dust. That seems to be the real crypto-ethics, isn’t it? And because of the pseudonymous decentral nature of crpyto it’s so easy.


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GainBitcoin and GB Miners - Scams founded by Amit Bhardwaj
GainBitcoin and GBMiners – Scams powered by Amit BHARDWAJ

Supporters and Developers arrested

A few days ago, the founders of the Indian-based Darwin Labs were arrested for links with Amit BHARDWAJ in the US$ 300 million GainBitcoin scam. The founders of Darwin LabsSahil BAGHIA and Nikunj JAIN built the GBMiners portal, the front-end to BHARDWAJ‘s cloud mining pool. GBMiners used to have up to 5% of the total, Bitcoin blockchain hashrate. GBMiners purportedly ran its crypto-mining facilities in China. In January 2018, the CoinJournal explained why GBMiners had to be a scam.

The Darwin Labs-duo would get 20 percent from BHARDAJ. They had appointed a lawyer and a chartered accountant to hide the illegitimate profits in safe places abroad, the police said.

The lesson to learn for this crypto-crime case: if you are an agent, sponsor, or partner of a fraudulent Crypto-MLM you may be held accountable if you are carelessly and/or knowingly support the scheme.

What about GBMiners CLoud Mining Pool?

The thing is that the two BHARDWAJ-ventures GainBitcoin and GBMiners are more or less part of one big scam. Interestingly, GBMiners have obviously been taken offline a few days ago. They are no longer producing blocks and Bitcoins according to blockchain analytics tools. In other words: the GBMiners vanished into the dark side of the blockchain.

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The Dubai connections or a Conspiracy theory around NEXUS GLOBAL and COINTED?

GainBitcoin, Nexus Global, Cointed, Optioment in Dubai and Hongkong
The “Dubai – Hongkong” connection: just a conspiracy theory ?

We received several Emails from people close to NEXUS GLOBAL and its founder Christian Michel SCHEIBENER. Those Emails purport that NEXUS GLOBAL is working (or plans to work) with the GBMiners bitcoin mining pool facilities in China. Furthermore, so our whistleblower, BHARDWAJ and SCHEIBENER allegedly met in Dubai and made the respective agreements to silently transfer the GBMiners hashrates to NEXUS GLOBAL. This could make sense. NEXUS GLOBAL has so far not disclosed its mining facilities and just said that they are in China and Finland. Hence, China would fit with the GBMiners hypothesis geographically.

And here is another point: we received those Emails already before Amit BHARDWAJ was arrested and the Dubai connection became public knowledge.

We communicated with one of whistleblower whose name and ID we have and he confirmed this scenario. Furthermore, and that’surprising, according to our whistleblower, the Austrian crypto-company COINTED and/or its founder Christopher RIEDER, where part of the team and promised to deliver the payment system. This, in turn, was also promised by RIEDER and/or COINTED in the OPTIOMENT scheme (read telegrams about COINTED and OPTIOMENT here).

Sounds unbelievable in the first place? Right, we agree. But, on the other hand, it could make sense for some reasons and the source of our information used to be really close to SCHEIBENER. And we have information that RIEDER and COINTED have been in India, Dubai and Hongkong. Cointed and NEXUS GLOBAL have their headquarters in Hongkong even though both are Austrian and German companies respectively.

Request for Information

We would like to continue with our investigations to finish this big crypto-crime puzzle in the very best interest of the global crypto-investment ecosphere. Thus, we kindly ask our readers to support us with our investigations with additional information. Please use the whistleblower form to provide your information anonymously. Thank you!

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