TradeSolid – Another Binary Options Scam And Its Perpetrators Exposed

TradeSolid broker scam and beneficial owners
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According to the documents available to us, the offshore entity behind the TradeSolid scam, G.M. Marketing Group Ltd, was registered in the Marshall Islands. However, TradeSolid’s website stated that the company was based in Anguilla. Like all other binary options and forex scams, TradeSolid presented false information to its clients, the authorities and the public.

  • On December 4, 2015, the Anguilla Financial Service Commission has issued a warning against G.M. Marketing Group Ltd and TradeSolid. The warning said that the company is not and never has been licensed by the commission;
  • In November 2015, the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) included TradeSolid its Warning list;
  • In April 2016, the Belgian watchdog issued a warning against TradeSolid.

Ultimate Beneficial Owners

The ultimate beneficial owner (UBO) behind the TradeSolid binary options scam (www.tradesolid.com) were the Israeli citizen Chen Malka and Nadav Gover. The two perpetrators operated their binary options scam via three companies:

  • G.M. Marketing Group Ltd (Company No. 81909 on the Marshall Islands)
  • G.M. Software Solutions Ltd (Company No: 09396734 in the United Kingdom)
  • MGCN Marketing Ltd (Company No: HE354873 on Cyprus)

Before launching TradeSolid Chen Malka worked founded C.G Capital Investments, another scam company that operated IntegraOption according to an investor warning of the New Zealand regulator.

Payment Services Provider Payobin

G.M. Marketing Group Ltd registered as a merchant with PayObin in July 2015 in order to process payment transactions via PayObin. A certain Kobi Gover is given in the Merchant application as a technical contact for TradeSolid. PayObin, in turn, cooperates with other payment transaction providers such as SeeddPay

The PayObin and PayOtech Ltd owners Tamir Zoltovski and Eyal Nachum also run the registered PSP Moneta International UAB which is as well closely integrated into the PandaTS Broker Hub. Moreover, FinTelegram learned that Moneta International UAB and/or its owners Nachum and Zoltovski are also doing business with SSG Media, a company in the former GreyMountain Management (GMM) network of scam brokers.

Bank Accounts

The TradeSolid scam and its perpetrators entertained several bank accounts in the EU and in Georgia. The Marshall Islands company G.M. Marketing Group Ltd held a bank account with the Czech

From the information available to FinTelegram Nadav Gover and Chen Malka transferred the money from TradeSolid victims to the Georgian VTB Bank.

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If you have information about broker scams please share it with our FinTelegram Research Team. Together we can make an impact and make online trading a safer place.

  1. Mark Fishman says:

    I know this guy a true scammer who stole money from hundred of people millions of dollars.

    Here are some more info about this guy who better put in jail:

    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    Those are the domains and emails they used to contact people, good job fintelegram Chen Malka is a real scammer who must be placed in jail, that time he thought to be a smart guy because he had money, today he nearly doing a penny with his low quality startup playgorithm.

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