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In our breaking news, Fintelegram has learned that a Cointed shareholder has confirmed that the companies executives knew about the Optioment scam. The shareholder claimed to have collected evidence against Cointed co-founder Christopher Rieder “for months”.

Optioment is one of the largest crypto-scams in Europe with about €100 million investors paid into the scheme. It developed into an international criminal case with Austrian crypto-entrepreneur, Christopher Rieder and his crypto company Cointed involved as suspects. It appears that Cointed’s ATM and exchange services were used to transfer investors funds to Optioment and funneled back for Cointed’s expansion. 

Read here the current summary of the Fintelegram investigations.

Charli AHO
Charli AHO, COINTED shareholder, and officer confirmed the $100 million fraud

FinTelegram has been reporting on the COINTED case since March 2018 and has repeatedly pointed out the obvious problems and inconsistencies. Whoever wanted to see them, saw them. However, many people were distracted by the fairy dust that lay above the crypto world back then. Everyone wanted to have a share of the crypto world and COINTED had a wide range to offer to investors: crypto-ATMs, mining, and online exchange offices. A one-stop shop for crypto-investors.

The COINTED founder Christopher RIEDER is listed as a suspect in the collapsed crypto-MLM scheme OPTIOMENT. He has been accused by 3 key distributors of the fraudulent scheme – the so-called 3 Optioment Musketeers – that for them he was the mastermind of this system. In fact, RIEDER confirmed in a statement to the Austrian prosecutors that he had presented the OPTIOMENT system to the 3 musketeers in a BitClub network meeting . This is reported by the Austrian STANDARD and had been confirmed to us by an involved lawyer. He argued that he would not have been involved with the scheme, but would have been approached by the two Bitcoin people Lucas MAZUR and Alex POPOV, the actual operators of OPTIOMENT. The problem with this – MAZUR and POPOV are not real people and at best pseudonyms. But it may well be that the two persons do not exist at all.

So far COINTED and the other shareholders Wolfgang THALER, Charli AHO and Daniil ORLOV have always denied that they might have even known something about OPTIOMENT scheme. They allegedly never heard about it. This has now changed radically! Suddenly, they remember and point their fingers at Christopher RIEDER. FinTelegram was informed that one of the COINTED shareholders had already collected and found evidence against Christopher RIEDER for months. Allegedly, he is able to prove that RIEDER had made about USD 100 million disappear. Allegedly, Christopher RIEDER would be in Turkey and would spend a lot of money there to escape extradition to Austria (possible on the basis of an international arrest warrant which the court so far refused to issue for whatevwr reason).

The notorious GoMoPa news portal confirms again possible connections between COINTED and the German diplomat Stephan WELK. Maybe we have the connection to MAZUR and POPOV?

Stay tuned, we will continue reporting!

All Telegrams in the Cointed / Optioment Investigation

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