On Monday, the Italian regulator Consob ordered the black-out of four illegal financial websites, increasing the total number of black-out orders to 744. All blocked websites offer illegal Forex, CFD, or crypto brokerage services. Consob has also prohibited the offer to the public residing in Italy of Enercom Tokens promoted by Enercom AG through the website www.enercom.ag and its pages https://kyc.enercom.ag and https://sales.enercomg.ag.
Below are the sites Consob has ordered to be blacked out:
- FTI Finance with website https://www.ftifinance.net;
- Broker Capitals Limited with website https://brokercapitals.com;
- MB Invest with website www.investingmb.com.
The number of sites blacked out since July 2019, when Consob got the power to order that the websites of fraudulent financial intermediaries be blacked out, has thus risen to 744.