Tag: Shaul Zioni
Bruc Bond and ZP Advocates – or how perpetrators work to intimidate FinTelegram and its partners
FinTelegram has been successfully exposing scams for almost two years now and also shows which payment service providers and lawyers have participated in these scams (in whatever role). Therefore FinTelegram is hated by the scams and their lawyers and partners. We understand that. This also applies to Eyal Nachum and Tamir Zoltovski and their various companies from Payotech Ltd (disappeared) to Moneta International ((renamed) to SeeddPay on Marshall Islands or Hermes Solution DOO in Montenegro. FinTelegram was not founded to receive the love of scammers. FinTelegram was founded to stop scammers.
Open Letter – Dear ZP Advocates, Dear Shaul Zioni, Dear Eli Pillersdorf, Dear Ohad Phillip
On behalf of their Israeli clients Eyal Nachum and Tamir Zoltovski, the Israeli law firms ZP Advocates of Shaul Zioni, Edi Pillersdorf and Ohad Phillip keep on sending defamatory letters to various addressees.