This morning five dangerous-looking men and a woman with huge sunglasses approached me, did not introduce themselves and claimed that they had been sent by your law firm ZP Advocates. They neither identified themselves nor mentioned their names. Only five of them physically threatened me, the lady watched.
Thugs for threats and intimidation
The thugs drove up in a car with death signs (skeleton) and porn signs on it. Two of thethem also carried tattoos and other signs of violence. Sent by the ZP Advocates (see picture above).
Two of the people were apparently violent thugs and were standing dangerously threatening in front of me. They told me something about a lawsuit that you allegedly had but did not explain anything. How could they? They were gangsters! No details. Already one week ago these people threatened my business partner at her home. She filed a complaint with the authorities. Today, we called the police and reported this action and your threat. Of course, I did not take anything from these people but pictures of them. The scene has been watched a dozen witnesses.

You made massive threats against me yesterday vis-a-vis an Israeli lawyer. In connection with the thugs sent today, I have to assume that you and your law firm will not shy away from anything. I and my business partners feel massively threatened and intimidated by you! Both physically and psychologically. This procedure is not tolerated in any jurisdiction known to me. I will, therefore, report you and your law firm ZP Advocates to the competent authorities in Israel and my home country.
The clients of ZP Advocates have so far refused to answer any questions regarding their involvement in binary options scams. Instead, the ZP Advocates have called the editor of FinTelegram a “Nazi” and/or “anti-semitic” because FinTelegram writes critically about Israel attackers and support their client-victims. ZP Advocates send out defamatory letters to our partners in a response.
ZP Advocates Papers with the Police
The papers that were to be handed over to me under threat of physical violence were seized by the police from the trash. They are evidence in this now-criminal case. How can an Israeli law firm like ZP Advocates send thugs to its clients’ critics? How can an Israeli law firm like ZP Advocates make threats to another Israeli lawyer? These are exactly the methods of people from the binary options fraud industry Simona Weinglass of the Times of Israel wrote about.
Best regards
Werner Bohm
Publisher FinTelegram
The tattooed milk face swine certainly a Nazi himself, next time 5 years jail will cool the F. Heads or a traditional alpine beat up !
Would be great if the face was recognised and posted.