The Spanish regulator CNMV recently issued a warning against scam broker PremiumTrade247. The website states PremiumTrade247 Ltd as the operator. We have not found this entity. It probably does not exist, either. The scam only accepts direct crypto deposits and, therefore, does not need a legal entity for credit/debit cards or bank wires. Stay away and protect your money and your data.
PremiumTrade247 Key Data
Trading names | PremiumTrade247 |
Domain | |
Social media | not disclosed |
Legal entity | PremiumTrade247 LTD (fake) |
Contact data | [email protected] |
Jurisdiction | not disclosed |
Authorization | No |
Payment options | crypto only |
Payment processors | not disclosed |
Compliance rating | Black |
Share information
If you have any information about PremiumTrade247, the other scam brands, their operators, and facilitators, please share it through our whistleblower system, Whistle42.