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Update 25/09/2018, 2.30pm: One of our readers just provided contact data of Anton ANOKHIN which may be of interest for disappointed BINEX investors: phone +7-985-8773690. In case of questions regarding the payment investors may call Serge ERSHOV on +7-919-7739130.

During the recent days, there has been a lot of excitement about our article about the Wolf of Sofia, Gal BARAK. Already before, our articles about SafeMarkets and OptionStars(Global) caused a lot of excitement and comments. Apparently, there are many investors and partners who feel cheated by these sites and want their money back. The current Cybercrime Case BINEX is also part of the network around the wolf of Sofia. We are reporting exclusively on these developments.

BINEX and the Tradologic Connection

We have been asking Gal BARAK, Marina ANDREEVA, and their people several times already to provide answers and explanations. So far in vain. We have analyzed the information provided from the downloaded documents on www.tradologic.solutions in detail and sent a list of questions to Tradologic. They promised to answer our questions but, currently, we are still waiting for these answers in order to continue our series of articles about the wolf of Sofia.

The TRADOLOGIC guys just recently opened their own “scam hunter” website where we learned about the cybercrime case “BINEX” and a respective enforcement action of the Ukrainian cyberpolice in Kiev. Hence, we made some research on the background of this international cybercrime case and its connex with the Sofia network. In our research, we, of course, have also taken into account all information provided on the Tradologic website.

Gal Barak and friend
Gal Barak and friend reportedly are having some security issues

We have received insider information from Gal Barak’s office in Sofia and learned that he hired some armed bodyguards to protect him. Along with the information, we received pictures showing 6 security people with guns. It seems to be authentic information. We would be more than happy to receive additional information from the good actors in this cybercrime network.

The Russian-Ukrainian Network

The illegal trading site www.binex.ru (BINEX) was closed down a few weeks ago. As was SafeMarkets last week. Evidently, the network around the Wolf of Sofia is having lethal issues.

Currently, the activities of BINEX are the subject of police investigations in some countries. Let’s start with an introducing graphical overview of the network behind BINEX:

The international BINEX Network
The international BINEX Network

According to the documents available to us, the domain www.binex.ru was registered by BINEX LTD in April 2014. Recorded founder and managing director of BINEX LTD is Leonid OLSHEVSKI from Ukraine. However, the well-known Russian hacker Vladimir SMIRNOV is also recorded as the beneficial owner of BINEX LTD in the case files. This very same Vladimir SMIRNOV also stands behind the payment platforms Dreams Pay and NetPay as well as numerous other illegal trading platforms. Remark: a detailed report on these payment platforms will follow shortly. Today we want to concentrate on BINEX.

Vladislav SMIRNOV registered as controlling person of Oldypak Capital LP
Vladislav SMIRNOV registered as controlling person of Oldypak Capital LP

Through OLDYPAK CAPITAL LP (Partners: Brennan Development Inc and NIS Global Corp), registered in the UK, SMIRNOV, together with Gery SHALON and Gal BARAK, is also the benefical owner of TRADOLOGIC SOLUTIONS LTD. This information has also been confirmed by Tradologic. The sole director of Tradologic is Gal BARAK as we have already reported in our “Wolf of Sofia” article. The latest apostille on TRADOLOGIC can be downloaded here and the one of its sole shareholder GLOBAL FINTECH SOLUTION can be downloaded here.

The trading platform www.binex.ru used to work with Tradologic software and used Dreams Pay as its payment system. BINEX primarily focused on customers in Russia and Ukraine where offices are also maintained. According to the documents available to us, the center of the BINEX operation was Moscow, but an office in Kiev was also operated to acquire Ukrainian customers.

The Raid of the Ukrainian Cyberpolice

In August 2018, the Ukrainian cyberpolice raided one of the BINEX offices in Kiev. From there, the approximately 60 employees are said to have worked on acquiring more than 15,000 customers in Ukraine, Russia and other countries via their different BINEX platforms. The Ukrainian Cyberpolice, together with the police in other countries, are currently searching for the bad actors behind the BINEX network. We already reached out to the Ukrainian police to exchange information on this cybercrime case and to learn more about the results of the office raid.

According to the information available to us, the “Bulgarian-Ukrainian-Russian” BINEX is only part of a larger cybercrime network around the Wolf of Sofia and his cronies Gery SHALON and Vladislav SMIRNOV. Among other things, this cybercrime network is said to have been involved in the money laundering activities of the Estonian Versobank AS. This led to the European Central Bank revoking the license from Versobank in spring 2018. Currently, the bank is in the process of liquidation as a result of its money laundering activities.

We will report more about the details of the payment network of the Wolf of Sofia and his colleagues shortly.

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