Investor alert! Broker scam TradeVtech still attacking European consumers!

investor warning against broker scam TradeVtech
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TradeVtech is part of a vast scam network attacking European consumers. FinTelegram has issued several warnings against them. Currently, the scam is operated by Universal Services LLC and UMedia LLC, registered in St Vincent & The Grenadines. We uncovered BridgerPay as the scam-facilitating payment processer. On 30 July 2021, the UK FCA issued a warning against TradeVtech; the Austrian FMA followed on 13 Aug 2021, as did New Zealand FMA on 11 Oct 2021. As of 21 April 2022, the scam is still active, still facilitated by BridgerPay.

Key data

Related scam brandsUniversal Markets, UMarkets,
UMarketsPro, UnionMarkets.Group
Legal entitiesUMedia LLC (SVG), est. Sept 2020
UM Media LLC (Marshall Islands)
Universal Services LLC (SVG), est. Oct 2019
JurisdictionsSt. Vincent & The Grenadines
Marshall Islands
Broker platformSirix by Leverate
Payment processorBridgerPay
Regulatory warningsUK FCA, FMA Austria, FMA New Zealand, MFSA

The scam narrative

TradeVtech is only one of many scams operated by the legal entities, boiler rooms, and people behind it. The same offshore entities have been running other scams, such as Universal Markets a/k/a UMarkets a/k/a UMarketsPro (www.umarkets.io, www.umarketspro.com, or www.umarketspro.net). The UK FCA issued an investor warning against the Universal Markets scam in March 2021. The fraud is now offline and has been succeeded by TradeVtech. Both illegal brokers have been white-label mutations on the Sirix platform of Israeli Leverate.

The BridgerPay way

In our latest check on 21 April 2022, BridgerPay was still facilitating TradeVTech. It comes as no surprise that BridgerPay has not terminated the business relationship with the scam operator despite the warnings of financial regulators across regulatory regimes around the globe. The BridgerPay guys around Ran Cohen and Nati Harpaz do not care too much about regulators or fraud.

Report scammers

If you have any information about the TradeVtech, UMarkets, UMarketsPro, or Universal Markets scams, their entities, and people, please share it through our whistleblower system, Whistle42.

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