Israeli Binary Option Supervillain Aviv Talmor Sentenced To 4 Years Prison Time!

The Israeli Snitching Game around Gery Shalon
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Aviv Talmor, the Founder and CEO of the online trading scheme UTrade, has received a four-year prison sentence for defrauding investors of $22 million, FinanceMagnates reports. Additionally, he was fined about $78,900. The District Court in Tel Aviv sentenced Talmor after his conviction in September 2022. He was found guilty of fraud under aggravated circumstances, theft by an authorized person, money laundering, and managing an investment portfolio without a license.

FinTelegram has nominated Aviv Talmor on its list of binary options and forex supervillains around the fugitive Yossi Herzog, Kobi Cohen, Yoav Ida, and Eustace “Tony” Senese. The Israeli prosecutors sought a sentencing of eight years, but Judge Khaled Kabov reduced it to four. In addition, Talmor received a suspended sentence of three months to submit an appeal.

UTrade raised NIS 100 ($28) million between 2012 and 2015 from around 600 clients, promising an annual return of 15 to 20 percent. Though the company’s clients were primarily Israelis, a previous report revealed that the firm targeted global clients.

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