Victim Attention – Be cautious with Cyprus-Israeli Claim Justice fund recovery services!

Victim attention Claim Justice fund recovery service
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On its website, The fund recovery service provider Claim Justice (www-claim-justice.com) claims that the office would be located in Tel Aviv. According to the Terms and Conditions, it is operated by MoneyPay Ltd, United Kingdom, and Bluespirit Tech Holdings Limited, Cyprus. As a director and beneficial owner at MoneyPay Ltd (a/k/a MonPay Ltd), Petros Petropoullaki of Cyprus is registered at UK Companies House. At the Cypriot company, Ukrainian Nadia Vladymyrova is registered as a director.

Claim Justice‘s website furthermore brags about having successfully recovered over $2M. We find that hard to believe. Bluespirit Tech Holdings, located in Cyprus, bills itself as a consulting firm for export-import and compliance on its website (www.bluespirit-tech.com). An odd combination, isn’t it?

We have been asked if Claim Justice is one of the many fund recovery scams. We can’t answer that with certainty, but we certainly recommend not entering into any agreements. According to the information we have, Claim Justice requires initial payments and a percentage of the recovered funds. The latter is OK, but initial payments are less good. Especially not if the company has no credible references, no social media presence, and no responsible persons are named. We would guess it a scam. Please stay away from it.

CategoriesFund Recovery

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