Compliance Issues? The offshore brokers of the Vantage Group!

Offshore broker Vantage on Vanuatu
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Vantage (previously VantageFX) is an offshore broker of the Vantage Group besides VT Markets and Moneta Markets. Since the beginning of 2022, Vantage uses new domains and logos. Vantage Group operates with regulated entities in the UK and Australia. The offshore activities are operated via Vantage Global Limited, Vanuatu, and Vantage International Group Ltd, Cayman Islands, with whom clients enter into an agreement. These offshore brokers are also active in Europe, soliciting clients and their funds.

Key data

BrandsVantage FX, VantageFX, Vantage
Vantage Markets, VT Markets
Moneta Markets
Domainsvantagefx.com, vantagefx.co.uk
vantagemarkets.com, vantagemarkets.co.uk
Legal entitiesVantage Global Prime LLP, UK, regulated by FCA
Vantage Global Prime Pty Ltd, Australia, regulated by ASIC
Vantage Global Limited, Vanuatu, regulated by VFSC
Vantage International Group Ltd, Caymen Islands, regulated by CIMA
JurisdictionsUK, Australia, Vanuatu, Caymen Islands
Payment processorsPraxis Cashier, BridgerPay,
ZotaPay (cc), Finrax (crypto)
Related individualsDavid Shayer (UK)
Xueniu Zhang
David Bily, Moneta Markets

The narrative

Vantage Group and its offshore broker activities

Vantage Group has been using the new domains VantageMarkets.com and VantageMarkets.co.uk since the beginning of 2022. Vantage Global Prime LLP, registered with the FCA, has also registered VantageMarkets as its new trading name. Xueniu Zhang, a Chinese national born in 1955, controls the FCA vehicle through TTMM LTD, which is registered in the UK. Vantage Group runs its offshore brokers via Vantage Global Limited, Vanuatu, and Vantage International Group Limited, Cayman Islands.

At three offshore brokers, we have been able to register and onboard as UK and EU residents. We did not receive noticeable warnings or encounter IP blocks in our reviews. As with Moneta Markets, unlimited deposit via Instant Bank Transfer or SWIFT was possible even without proper KYC/AML verification.

Offshore broker Vantage receives SWIFT payments to Citibank in the UK
  • in case of Vantage, the SWIFT transfer would have been made to the Vantage International Group Ltd account, as with Moneta Markets.
  • with VT Markets, the SWIFT transfer would have been made to the Commonwealth Bank of Australia.

We could have also made unlimited deposits via credit card. We discovered BridgerPay as the payment processor for credit cards at Vantage.

At the time of our simulated deposits, we had not confirmed our email address, let alone uploaded the required documents for ID and address verification.

Preliminary conclusion

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If you have any information about the offshore brokers Vantage, VT Markets, and Moneta Markets or the Vantage Group, please share it with us through our whistleblower system, Whistle42.

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